ICWF 2024 NBOBO August CONCERTOThis is the application form for ICWF 2024 NBOBO August CONCERTO. First Name *Last Name *Email Address *Cell Phone *Mailing Address Line 1 *Mailing Address Line 2 City *State Postal Code *Country *Birthday *Chaperone *It is required that all performers younger than 16 be accompanied by an adult chaperone. While it is not required, performers 16 and older may travel with someone and it is strongly recommended that everyone age 16-18 be accompanied by an adult chaperone. Do you plan to come with a chaperone? Yes No Maybe Repertoire *Please list your repertoire choices in order of preference. You may list as many or as few as you like. Generally, your selection shouldn't be longer than 18 minutes and should have a ending (not a segue into another movement.) It is possible to use or create alternate endings if it is not originally written that way.ICWF will arrange for rentals, but participants much cover the rental cost. Please list your repertoire in the following format: COMPOSER, TITLE OF CONCERTO (including number as apporpriate), OPUS (if available), MOVEMENT, LENGTHSingers, please list your repertoire in the following format: COMPOSER, TITLE OF ARIA or SONG, OPERA or Work where the ARIA appears, LENGTH All repertoire must be approved by ICWF. We cannot guarantee that your repertoire choice will be approved which depends on the instrumentation, length, and difficulty.Concert Preference *Please select which concerts you would prefer or be available for:• Concert 1 August 28 (August 24 depart-August 29 return)• Concert 2 August 30 (August 26 depart - August 31 return)• Concert 3 September 4 (August 31 depart - September 5 return)Specific concerts cannot be guaranteed, but all attempts will be made to honor requests Concert 1 August 28 Concert 2 August 30 Concert 3 September 4 Recommendation Please upload a specific reference letter recommending you to participate at this Festival. (PDF or Word only)Video Please submit a video of a live performance of your playing your proposed repertoire. YouTube or Vimeo are preferred.Goals In no more than 500 words, please explain how you hope that participation in this workshop will help you in your musical development and career.Bio for Program *Please upload a biography for the program book and website (in English). (Word or PDF)Photo *Please upload a high resolution photo to use on the website, in the program and in promotional materials for the concert.Certification and Agreement *By checking the "Yes" box, I agree to the following: All of the information above is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. All terms and schedule of tuition payment and that failure to fulfill the terms may result in loss of placement in the workshop and additional late fees as stated on the workshop page. In the case of participant cancellation prior to June 15, 2024, ICWF will return all tuition minus the participation deposit. In the case of participant cancellation between June 15, 2024 and July 30, 2024 50% of the participation fees minus the participation deposit will be returned, and for any cancellation after July 30, no fees will be refunded for cancellation unless ICWF is able to find a suitable substitute, which ICWF will make good faith effort to find. There are no refunds for participant cancellation within 30 days of the start of the workshop. There may be changes to the schedule, repertoire, or faculty, and that AEPMS, ICWF, and/or Benjamin Loeb will not be liable for damages or be obligated to issue a refund. Neither AEPMS, ICWF, nor Benjamin Loeb shall be under any liability for failure to present the workshop in the event that such failure is due to acts or regulations of public authorities, labor difficulties, civil tumult, strike, epidemic, or interruption or delay of transportation service or any similar or dissimilar cause beyond the control of the ICWF. I understand that AEPMS and ICWF retain all rights to all video, audio, and photographic images recorded during the workshop and may use any images without permission. I understand that AEPMS and ICWF may broadcast either live or recorded any session or portion of a session online and may monetize that broadcast, and I agree that I have no rights to independently stream live any sessions or portions of sessions from the workshop. I understand that ICWF is an agent for AEPMS. I understand that ICWF will provide housing and meals as stated on the website. I understand that I am responsible for my own travel and all permissions to travel to the workshop and that ICWF is not responsible for reimbursing any related travel expenses in the case of cancellation or delay. I agree to adhere to all local, state, and federal laws during the workshop. I agree to adhere to all rules and policies for the hosting facility and assume full liability for any consequences for not adhering to those rules understanding that may include dismissal from the workshop with no refund of any fees. I agree to attend at all workshop sessions. Yes Submit